Rabbi Weiss Tribute Shiur: Maimonides' Laws of Repentance

Lincoln Square Synagogue
180 Amsterdam Ave, Manhattan, New York, 10023-5034
Institutional Advancement
September 10, 2013, 7:30 PM
Lincoln Square Synagogue
180 Amsterdam Ave, Manhattan, New York, 10023-5034

RSVP your attendance online
or contact Sheldon Weiner at 
212-463-0400 x5264

Rabbi Dennis Weiss gave shiur at Touro College for over 30 years, as well as communal shiurim in Bayside, Great Neck, Jamaica Estates, Flatbush and Manhattan. Rabbi Weiss’ dedication and love of Torah informs not only the limmud Torah of his תלמידים but also their personal, professional and communal lives.

On Tuesday Evening September 10th at 7:30 pm, at the new Lincoln Square Synagogue, you have the opportunity to learn with and pay tribute to Rabbi Weiss, at his Aseret Yimei Teshuva lecture on Maimonides’ Laws of Repentance.

Open to men and women. Shiur will be followed by a dessert reception. Please RSVP your attendance. Sponsored by Touro College and Lincoln Square Synagogue.

A ספר הודאה is being prepared for all those who would like to pay tribute to Rabbi Weiss for all he has done to enrich our lives. Proceeds of the journal ad sponsorships will be used to establish “The Rabbi Dennis Weiss Talmud Fellowship Fund” at Touro College.

Sponsor an ad

To sponsor an ad in the Tribute Journal, email the text (a max of one page) to Sheldon Weiner at Sheldon.Weiner@touro.edu and pay online or send a check to:

Sheldon Weiner
Touro College
43 West 23rd Street, 7th floor 
New York, NY 10010

Attend the shiur

We look forward to seeing you at Rabbi Weiss's shiur on Sept. 10 and paying tribute to Rabbi Weiss in recognition of his many years of service to Touro and to the community.

If you have not already sponsored a page in the Tribute Journal, please consider submitting your personal tribute to Rabbi Weiss by placing an ad page in the Tribute Journal we are assembling in his honor. Please visit https://www.touro.edu/e-com/rabbi-weiss-tribute-journal/ to sponsor a page in the Tribute Journal. Please contact Shelly Weiner at 212 463-0400 ext.5264 or at sheldon.weiner@touro.edu.

If you have not already sponsored a page in the Tribute Journal, please consider submitting your personal tribute to Rabbi Weiss by placing an ad page in the Tribute Journal we are assembling in his honor. Please visit the event link for all the information - http://www.touro.edu/giving/events/rabbi-weiss-tribute-shiur-maimonides-laws-of-repentance.php – or email Shelly Weiner directly with your ad copy (sheldon.weiner@touro.edu) and pay online at https://www.touro.edu/e-com/rabbi-weiss-tribute-journal/.

Shelly Weiner
Senior Development Officer
Touro College

    Contact Info

    RSVP your attendance online
    or contact Sheldon Weiner at 
    212-463-0400 x5264